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Windsor RFC Gargoyles

Team info

Windsor RFC Gargoyles (Vets)

The Gargoyles are the Windsor Rugby Vets team.

Players reach this level when they become too old or too heavy to scrum down in the Jesters. This is the bottom of the pile, where all ex 1st team players eventually end up. ...

Windsor RFC Gargoyles
Windsor RFC Gargoyles
Windsor RFC Gargoyles

About the team

The Gargoyles are the Windsor Rugby Vets team.

Players reach this level when they become too old or too heavy to scrum down in the Jesters. This is the bottom of the pile, where all ex 1st team players eventually end up. A sort of waiting room, a place to await the offspring as they grow older - hoping to fullfil that dream of one day playing with your son before you end up at 1st team league lunches. The reason for playing is the love of the game, being with friends and getting away from the wife for a few hours a week. This waiting room is a rather special place, the drinks are plentiful and everybody is happy to listen to old rugby war stories. We play a few games each year, enter tournaments, enjoy a weekend tour and a foreign tour annually.

If you are over 35 years of age and have a shirt size XXXL and can Gargoyle beer while smoking a cigar then you are guaranteed acceptance.

If you would like to join us contact Peter Eccles on Email:

Team Rules

All players will do sufficient training in their own time to ensure they do not make a fool of the team
No shirts sizes are allowed below XL so if you are smaller than that you will need to buy a XL and ask the wife to shrink it in the tumbledryer
The children are welcome at all matches - either that or we will need to rent a crowd
On match days the wife should be politely reminded that she needs to collect you at the club no earlier than 8.00pm (early exit must be advised by email at least 48hrs prior to event)
We shall hold a weekend tour at least once a season where we shall spend the Saturday night in a town away from home
Gargoyle drinking vessels are to be on the player's person at all sessions.

Rules can be added or removed at any time.